Thursday, May 15, 2008

Garden Project

Well the weather is finally getting warmer (around 90 degrees this weekend) so we decided it was high time put in some flowerbeds. However, we got an e-mail from Violet (the co-owner of the barn we stayed in, in October) asking if we still wanted a deck building. So the digging out of borders has now escalated to borders, deck and patio, as it does!!! We were keen to get a deck though and think it will look really good when it is done.

Here are a few pictures of where we are so far.

This is the outline of borders, deck and patio in white spray paint.

This is one of the first borders to be dug out (by me and Eamonn I might add)
You can see in this picture some of the dirt we have dug out of the borders
As the pile grows, I thought I'd better stand behind it for scale.

Patio area dug out

Patio with gravel bedding in place

Matting and stones for under the deck

More to follow in the next few days.