Friday, June 20, 2008

High River Rodeo

As we head towards the Calgary Stampede in July, Rodeo season is in full swing and High River Rodeo started this Thursday, 19th June and continues through the weekend. Local rodeos like High River are a great way to experience the rodeo. They are inexpensive (in this case, just $10/£5 each entrance fee), not too crowded (the viewing stand at High River accommodates maybe 2-3 thousand people) and they get you really close to the action. We went along on Thursday night and had an excellent few hours entertainment.

Every rodeo has a Rodeo Clown who spends the evening entertaining the crowd with a mixture of banter with the Rodeo Announcer, interacting with the crowd and general displays of, well, "clown-like" behaviour. Our clown last night was very entertaining.The Saddle Broncs are all action. Staying on for 8 seconds seems a hell of a challenge.Of course, not ever horse or bull is entirely on its game and ready to buck the moment the gate opens, although equally, we're not sure the rodeo clown's advice on how to resolve the matter was entirely accurate..."Lift his tail and stick a quarter in!" To play this and the subsequent videos below, click on the play button in the middle of the picture. Team Roping requires much co-ordination between the two members of the team.Barrel Racing is the only ladies event at a Rodeo. It is one of the most exciting though and requires great skill and dexterity and not a little speed. Here's a photo and then, so you can really get a sense of what it is like, a video clip. Of course, Bull Riding is, along with the Chuckwagon Racing, the highlight of most people's rodeo evening. Bull Riders...just plain crazy if you ask us. Judge for yourself... The Chuckwagon Races are all action organised chaos. The skill exercised in controlling the horses and wagon at high speed, with 3 other wagons at close quarters, as they hurl themselves around tight corners, is quite incredible. J&E