Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Heritage Park - 12 Days of Christmas

A few days back, we took a visit to Heritage Park, a "historical" (in North American terms) village situated in the west of Calgary. We visited in the Summer when we were here on a research trip and really enjoyed our day, so we thought we would pop back to take a look at their "12 Days of Christmas" presentation. A selection of photos follow and we hope you can see what a pretty (and interesting) place it is. Each of the buildings started life elsewhere in Canada and were moved piece by piece to Heritage Park where they were reconstructed. You can go into each of the buildings and speak to well informed guides dressed appropriately for the time period.

It was a fairly cold day (about -6°C) but with the sun shining brightly and the clear blue sky, the wintery scenes were that much more beautiful. The last shot is from the edge of the park, looking across the now frozen Glenmore Resovoir towards the Rockies.
