Driving to Langdon from Calgary is generally through open fields, so quite quickly you feel as though you are leaving the city behind.
Because of its close proximity to Calgary and Strathmore, there are no large grocery stores such as Sobeys, Safeway or Wal-Mart, but it does have a modern parade of shops which include a liquor store, Subway, restaurant & saloon and gas station/grocery store etc.
There is also a small high street, where the stores have been designed as a reconstruction of the way Langdon's main street looked in 1908, complete with wooden boardwalk.
We went into a store called Things We Love, which is such a lovely store and great for gifts. It also sells lovely breads, preserves, chocolates and much much more. We had a long chat with the owner, Jane Collett, who is really helpful.Things We Love Website
Opposite the parade of shops is Langdon Park.
There is also a very well utilized school from Kindergarten to Year 8. There is talk of another school being built, but this probably won’t complete for another few years. High School students generally get bussed to nearby Chestermere.
Langdon is very much a growing community and it is looking like it will continue to grow over the coming years, although how quickly is the matter of some debate. The population is currently around 3,400 and they might expect this to increase by around 5-600 people per year. The current view is that Langdon will not exceed a population of around 6-7,000.
There is plenty of modern, well proportioned homes with curb appeal. There are a series of walking paths and the area seemed quiet and neighbourly.As of 2007 Langdon also has an 18 hole golf course in the southern edge of the hamlet. A housing community "Boulder Creek" has been built around the golf course.
Langdon has its own Fire Station but RCMP officers come from Strathmore or Chestermere. We are told there are often officers in the vicinity so speed limits on the road should be obeyed!
HISTORY: Langdon was named for R.B. Langdon of Langdon & Shepard, Canadian Pacific Railway subcontracting firm who built a section of the line just east of Calgary. Both the Langdon and Shepard stations took their names from these men. Langdon was one of two people to turn the first sod in the settlement in 1882. A year later, a railway station was set up in a boxcar and named after him.
A post office was established in January 1, 1890. By the year 1905, Langdon and nearby Cheadle were of equal size, and were both important stops along the CPR rail line.
The community of Langdon became known as the “good luck town” because in the twenty-five years between 1883 and 1908, there was not one death! It was also considered lucky because it was situated on the railroad’s horseshoe shaped turnaround.
After a long period of stagnation, Langdon began to grow again in the 1990s and 2000s, with a number of major residential developments under way.
For a full directory of Langdon businesses and schools etc, visit the
Langdon Living website or the Offical Langdon Website
The real estate looks good value for money there and so why not drop Eamonn a line if you are interested to know more or get in touch via the Contact page on Eamonn's Your New Life website.